A argentina Lucrecia Pittaro, vais estar no ARTErra em residência a desenvolver o seu projecto artístico denominado "Under Pressure".
Depois de ter estado em países como França, ou a India, chegou a vez de Portugal estar na rota da artista.
Irá fotografar pessoas e posteriormente transformar essas expressões captadas em pinturas de 1.50x2.50.
" If the initial belief is strong enough, I will find the «hazard» that will confirm the idea and allow me to develop the sequence. ¨ Per Kirkeby
Since 2008 I work on the project under pressure. This project will include several portraits of faces «under pressure». The philosophy behind this idea is rooted in the realization that we ourselves are the cause of our psychological pressure. We are always trying to justify our fears, our anxieties, our insecurities and pain by external factors, but in the end they are only but excuses. At the end we are victims of our own inventions." Lucrecia Pittaro