
quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2015

Sigrid Keunen (Belgium) - CRINKLES & CRACKLES

Sigrid Keunen estará em residência cerca de 2 semanas a desenvolver o seu projecto Crinkles & Crackles.
Esta artista de nacionalidade belga cruza no seu trajecto a música, o teatro, a performance, a composição.

"As a musician, performer, actress & composer, my performance work is hybrid in nature through its dialectics, crossovers and synergies with the fine arts.
During my training as a classical viola player, I took several master classes in Belgium, Swiss and France and I graduated in Antwerp (Belgium) in 1999. I chose to be a freelancer, in order to expand my search for artistic expression, outside the various conventional chamber and symphonies orchestras in which I have worked over the last ten years. Currently I work as a freelance viola player for the Orchestra Philharmonique de Liège (Belgium) and also as a freelance guide in De Munt/La Monnaie (opera theatre in Brussels).

‘Cicerone (guide) of the inner fantasy’ is the title of my current research period (2014-15) and a trajectory that mainly investigates the exploration of an ‘impulse’ within the inner fantasy. (VGC Grant -City of Brussels-)
My Art Education Program is an extension of my working method and this has led me to design two components: SIGI'S BOAT and ‘SHIP OF CREATIVITY’.

I look very much forward to evolve my work-in-progress CRINKLES & CRACKLES  during the residency in ARTERRA.

More info about my artistic language on

Following work-in-progress to be executed during the residency in Arterra:

CRINKLES & CRACKLES movement / sound / square

An imprinted stone story, an embossment, an imprint, a relief
What are the figures representing? What is the story behind?
How important is the second layer of the embossment?

Evolving the story board.
How to bring out an appropriate correlation in this composition between music, sound, movement and material? How to compound them so in the end it provokes a perpetuum mobile on itself.

CRINKLES & CRACKLES / work-in-progress / detail

A crumpled up reality, an imprint of thoughts and reality
What do we see? What do we perceive? What are we able to notice?
What do we want to tell? What not? How do we tell our story? What are the options?
Double meaning of words, meaning of words in a context. Flee words

Among others based on different philosophies of perception I use following quotes as starting points:
‘The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.’ Aristotle
‘Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.’ Plato
‘Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself.’ Plato
‘Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.’ I. Kant
“Space and time are the framework within which the mind is constrained to construct its experience of reality.” I. Kant

Porquê,o quê, para quê, a quem, como , onde. Why,What,for,whom,how,where?


Este espaço de criação e formação artística surge de uma necessidade de encontrar espaços físicos onde os artistas se possam encontrar e reflectir sobre os processos criativos, e desenvolvê-los de uma forma intensiva e focada.
O ARTErra é uma iniciativa privada.
Numa lógica de laboratório, o artista encontra no Arterra uma casa com uma serie de comodidades, um quintal de criação, onde existem espaços vários para a criação e desenvolvimento de um trabalho artístico, e a possibilidade de apresentação do projecto desenvolvido ao público.

This space for creativity and artistic training comes from a need for physical spaces where artists can meet and reflect on the creative processes, and develop them in an intensive and focused way.
The ARTERRA is a private initiative.
The artist finds in ARTERRA a house with a series of facilities,and a creation of a yard, where there are several spaces for the creation and development of an artistic work, and the possibility of introduction of the developed to the public.

2. O QUÊ? What?

Neste espaço procuraremos facultar aos artistas e aos projectos todas as condições para o desenvolvimento do processo criativo.
O Arterra tem condições físicas e técnicas para proporcionar a realização de diversos focos de trabalho artístico, desde concepção de exposições, criação teatral, atelier e workshops, formação...

In this space we will seek to provide artists and projects all the conditions for the development of the creative process.
The ARTERRA has physical and technical conditions to be realized by several outbreaks of artwork, from design exhibitions, theatrical creation, studio and workshops, training...

3. PARA QUÊ? What for?

Para que a criação em comunhão com a natureza seja uma realidade, para fomentar uma dinâmica de grupo estrita, para trabalhar em residência num ambiente rural.
Diversificar e descentralizar a oferta cultural.
Desenvolver acções e formações que contribuam para a qualificação dos profissionais do sector artístico.

For the creation in communion with nature is a reality, to foster a dynamic group strictly for work in residence in a rural environment.
Diversify and decentralize the cultural offer.
Develop training activities and contributing to the qualifications for the arts.

4. A QUEM? To whom?

Este espaço destina-se a profissionais das diferentes áreas artísticas, entidades ou criadores independentes, portugueses e estrangeiros.
Pode também excepcionalmente receber projectos de formação para público em geral e para crianças

This space is intended for professionals from different artistic areas, groups or independent creators, Portuguese and aliens.
You can also receive exceptional training projects for the general public and for children


Para a candidatura deverão constar os seguintes elementos:

- C.V. do artista

- Portfolio, vídeos, imagens…

- Descrição do projecto a desenvolver no ARTErra, onde constem os objectivos do projecto, necessidades e expectativas da residência e todos os pormenores necessários á compreensão da proposta.

- Datas e Duração da residência pretendidos (minimo 2 dias,máximo 6 meses)

- Detalhes (necessidade de refeições, especificidades do trabalho, nº de pessoas, informações suplementares relevantes ao processo de trabalho)

The application must contain the following elements:

- C.V. artist
- Portfolio, videos, photos ...
- Description of the project to be undertaken ARTERRA out, including the project's objectives, needs and expectations of residence and all the details necessary to understanding the proposal.
- Dates and Duration of residence
- Details (need for meals, work characteristics, number of persons, additional information relevant to the work process)

6. ONDE? Where?

Esta estrutura situa-se numa aldeia no concelho de Tondela, distrito de Viseu. (PORTUGAL)

R.Nossa Srª. do Crasto,Nº380
Lobão da Beira



Está a 2h30 de carro de Lisboa, 1h do Porto e Aveiro, 45m de Coimbra e 15m de Viseu.

Latitude: 40°31'15.86"NLongitude: 8° 1'57.64"W